Do women often have pain in the lower back? So these could be the reasons…

Do women often have pain in the lower back?  So these could be the reasons…

If a woman often has pain below the waist, there can be many reasons for it. Sometimes, due to lifting heavy objects, pain starts below the waist. Back pain also occurs due to muscle strain during periods or excessive workout. Are you also among those people who have pain below the waist? Then let us tell you the reason behind it.

Reasons for women having pain below the waist 

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), when there is infection in the reproductive organ, pain starts below the waist. Women also often have pain due to infection in the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

In case of PID, lower back pain, fever and irregular periods also start. If such symptoms appear in the body, do not ignore them. When such symptoms appear, antibiotics are given as treatment for PID. 


In case of fibroid, it is called non-cancerous growth on the outer layer of the uterus. This is a serious disease. Due to fibroid, a woman often has severe pain below her waist. Along with this, pain and pressure starts being felt in the lower part of the pelvic area. Excessive bleeding and frequent toilet visits can also be its symptoms. For its treatment the woman undergoes surgery. 

Ovarian Cyst

In case of ovarian cyst, cysts develop in the ovaries. These are filled with fluid. When there is an ovarian cyst, these special symptoms appear in the body. After this the woman feels pelvic pain and pressure on the waist. If for some reason the cyst bursts or gets twisted. The woman may feel severe pain. To detect ovarian cyst, it is important that a woman keeps getting her tests done. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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